She drops the kids off at school, races to the office while eating a high calorie breakfast, works through lunch so she can go to the store, and still be home in time to take Johnny to basketball practice. Then she makes dinner, helps with homework, and puts the kids to bed. Do you know anyone like this? The woman that thinks you can have it all, in spite of the high stress? High stress levels will not only affect women on the inside, but also on the outside.
Extensive medical studies show that too much stress in your life may:
§ Increase your risk for heart disease, the number one killer of women in the United States
§ Increase your blood pressure, cause sleep disorders, and hair loss
§ It can also accelerate the aging process and cause weight gain.
Even though I teach life management skills, I still think I can do it all and at times, stress gets the best of me! Two years ago, I took a meditation course that has changed my life. When you meditate you will reduce stress, relax your body and calm your mind. Recent medical studies have shown that by meditating on a regular basis:
§ heart disease patients reduced their risk of having another heart attack by 74%
§ 77% of individuals with high stress levels were able to lower their blood pressure
§ 75% of long-term insomniacs were able to fall asleep within 20 minutes after meditation
§ After 4 months of consistent meditation, your body will produce less of the hormone cortisol, thus adapting to stress no matter what the situation. Translated – you reduce poor eating habits.
§ after 5 years of consistent meditation, the aging process may be reduced by 12-15 years
So the next time you feel compelled to work a full eight hours and then proceed to over-schedule your one hour break before throwing a dinner party, think about feeding your soul instead -- and meditate!
By incorporating a meditation practice into your routine, you will keep your body healthy and you may even start to look and feel younger!
Sending lasting peace and love,
Classes in March and April:
Location: Haymarket, VA
Dates: 3/14 and 4/4
Times: 9 am - 11 am
Cost: $30/per class
Location: Ashburn, VA
Dates: 2/21, 3/28 and 4/25
Times: 9 am - 10:30 am
Cost: $25/per class
For a detailed meditation class schedule go to: