Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thoughts about the Inauguration of Barak Obama

On Saturday, January 17, 2009, President-elect Obama made the historic "whistle-stop tour", like the one President Lincoln made before his Inauguration. The reporters interviewed some of the thousands of people in the crowds in Philadelphia, Delaware and Baltimore. People were reported saying things like "this is the start of something new", "now is the time for change", and "we are excited for change". You could see their faith by the tears in their eyes and their hope of changing times by their radiant smiles. What a remarkable time we are living in!

However, as a society, we have become dependent on exterior 'things' to bring our happiness. Most people's self worth is defined by their career, the house they live in, and the type of car they drive. People worship movie stars and do not feel complete unless they are wearing the latest fad and have the hottest new technology. While these things can be fun, they only provide a temporary fulfillment that leaves you empty in the end - I am guilty of this many times over and can testify that retail therapy is only a temporary solution!

Now back to my thoughts about the Inauguration. What concerns me is that people are putting too much of their faith in President-elect Obama. Once again, they are relying on an exterior 'thing' to provide them with the inner peace they long for. Why is this so bad? Because until we realize that our happiness can only come from within, we will continue to live in the vicious cycle that our society has become so dependent on. Do we really want peace? Peace can only be attained one person at a time - by each person working on their own inner peace. Imagine that for a moment. What would your life look like if everyone you encountered was feeling blissful and truly happy - on the inside?

I've come to learn that simply by adopting some healthy habits in my daily life that I am happier and healthier, and miracles literally unfold in front of me on a regular basis. Here are some of the things that I do to feed and nourish my soul:

1. Every day before getting out of bed, list 10 things you are grateful for.
2. Improve relaxation and reduce stress by meditating at least 15 minutes a day.
3. Increase your heart rate at least 20 minutes a day by doing something you love.
4. Each day, take notice of the opportunities for you to choose forgiveness.
5. Go out of your way to commit random acts of kindness.
6. Make healthy food choices - your body, mind and spirit will thank you!

For best results, add one new healthy habit to your daily routine each week. Keep in mind that it's progress, not perfection that matters most. If you regress, no worries! Simply forgive yourself and try again.

YOU are the most important person in your life and the better you are to yourself, the more you can and will contribute to the happiness and well-being of those you care about most. Only then, will miracles start to unfold on a regular basis.

For more information visit

Sending you lasting peace & love,



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. During my own journey of forgiveness the most difficult task for me was to realize my own self-worth and forgive myself. Through meditation
    I've learned understanding, acceptance and forgiveness. It is only through forgiveness that we can move forward in our lives in peace.
    Peace is realizing a stillness where you can truly simply be one with yourself. I appreciate the opportunity to participate in continued spiritual growth in partnership with 4Give4Peace and all that Sandee and Trish have to share. The article above reminds me that my own inner peace is not about relying on external things to bring me peace rather it is the evolvement of my spirit. Thank you for the reminder as I too continue to be a work in progress.

  3. Sandee and Trish congratulations to you both for successfully creating a forum for people to share their experiences. I think you both were ahead of this new wave of awareness. I tell my clients all the time that "letting it go" is not a single act like flicking a switch off or on, but a process that can take time. I think forgiveness is very much the same way. What you are offering through 4give 4peace is a resource for people who are in the process of learning to forgive in order to move forward towards a life that is peaceful and not so cluttered with useless baggage. Thanks again for such a wonderful contribution!

    Michele Barlock
    Reiki Master Teacher

  4. Sandee and Trish are right on! After years and years of painful insight and tireless soul-searching, I am starting my own business this year; thanks to inner peace and self-understanding.

    Last night as I was putting my 4-year old son to sleep, we were chatting ... undoubtedly my most favorite part of the day! He asked me about my business and how do you start one? "Do what makes you most happy." I couldn't believe those words were flowing from my mouth. And, I felt it, deep down inside, that it was true and it was true for me. I figured out what makes me happy. I'm starting a business for lots of reasons, but it's not about power or money or what I can buy. My business is based on my love for listening to others.

    I am trying hard to teach my children that life is about happiness and filling your life with people who make you happy and share your happiness. With all of the challenges of raising children, that is above all the biggest hurdle. But, hurdles are meant to jumped!

    To happiness!

  5. well, I have to say that I am in total agreement about the fact that we as people depend on our things,statis, intelligence, income, etc, to bring us happiness. Everything that you have written does have truth to it, however the one real "truth" that I was hoping to find in all of this was our God and Savior Jesus Christ. We all have that God shaped hole in our hearts that we unknowingly try to fill with all kinds of things. Even relationships. We can depend on our mates, friends, family members to make us happy and it just is not possible. I certainly don't want to be antagonistic, but I have to say that we as humans are not capable of becoming anything without Christ. We cannot will ourselves to be kind. We end up with a lot of "I know that I should" or "I want to change, but it is just too hard" true, true. We can't do it on our own people. God knows this. He knew that we were going to have a hard time, that's why he sent his son. If we are trying to make changes in our own power, we will fail. Now don't get me wrong, we have a responsibility here. We can't just sit back and wait for God to wave a wand above us. However, we do need to constantly be seeking his counsel and spending time in his Word (scripture). My husband and I accepted Christ as our personal savior about two years ago and the things that have been revealed to me could only be attributed to the Lord. He doesn't expect us to change over night, he gives us what we need as we need it. He just wants us to ask. God is God, we are not. Seek him and you shall find.

    Beaverton, OR

  6. I have to add too, sorry Denise, it really isn't about us. Giving advice of just do what makes you happy is a very broad statement. Sometimes what the Lord asks us to do doesn't make us happy at all. He wants to give us an abundant life, but as the saying goes, "it is NOT all about us".
    Tami again
